Minecraft : Color Codes

Minecraft text can been set by color codes. Color codes can be used in chat, books and signs. Message of the day (motd) has it's own code. Color names and decimal codes are often used in items and banners. Hexadecimal is mostly used for using in paint programs and websites.

color chat motd hex code decimal
dark_red §4 \u00A74 #AA0000 11141120
red §c \u00A7c #FF5555 16733525
gold §6 \u00A76 #FFAA00 16755200
yellow §e \u00A7e #FFFF55 16777045
green §a \u00A7a #55FF55 5635925
dark_green §2 \u00A72 #00AA00 43520
aqua §b \u00A7b #55FFFF 5636095
dark_aqua §3 \u00A73 #00AAAA 43690
blue §9 \u00A79 #5555FF 5592575
dark_blue §1 \u00A71 #0000AA 170
light_purple §d \u00A7d #FF55FF 16733695
dark_purple §5 \u00A75 #AA00AA 11141290
white §f \u00A7f #FFFFFF 16777215
gray §7 \u00A77 #AAAAAA 11184810
dark_gray §8 \u00A78 #555555 5592405
black §0 \u00A70 #000000 0
  • color: string code, mostly used banner and items.
    e.g. /give @p light_blue_bed
  • chat: start with the § character, used for chat, books and signs.
  • motd: Used in the server config for setting message of the day.
  • hex code: paint color and web css colors.
  • decimal: used for nbt data tags, setting potion and leather armour colors.

Minecraft, Formatting Codes

style chat motd
Obfuscated §k \u00A7k
Bold §l \u00A7l
Strikethrough §m \u00A7m
Underline §n \u00A7n
Italic §o \u00A7o
Reset §r \u00A7r